Steel lifting spreader beam

H-bar steel lifting spreader beam with swivel hooks

Spécificités des palonniers acier

Length Maximum Load Weight Capacity
1T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T 10T up to 10T
2m Custom-made
up to 6m Custom-made

Steel lifting spreader beam description

The spreader is an intermediate lifting accessory positioned between a hoist and a load. It enables the load to be hooked up, guaranteeing optimum stability and reduced headroom. Their single-beam, H-shaped or X-beam structure can be either fixed or adjustable.

Wide-flange parallel beam (HEB), Wide-flange beam (HEA), European I-Beam (IPE), U-beam, the beams of the steel spreaders are equipped with one or more lifting rings or lugs that allow the load to be hooked directly or by slings. The load is balanced by adjusting the slings’ precise positioning in relation to the centre of gravity of the load.

The multi-purpose spreaders can be equipped with an inclinometer embedded in the beam (optional) in order to guide precisely the operator when preparing the handling.

Fixed monobeam spreader beam

Fixed steel monobeam spreaders is a single beam structure equipped with fixed anchorage points. The use of a spreader beam decreases the inherent headroom in a traditional slinging device. We can design and manufacture custom-made spreaders and integrate options such as specific hooks dedicated to a single type of load.

Adjustable monobeam spreader 

Adjustable steel monobeam spreaders allow to adjust the length centre distance between the lower hooks in order to suit the length of the load to be lifted. The secured step-by-step adjustment ensures safe lifting with optimised load balancing.

Fixed H-shaped spreader beam

The typical structure of fixed H-shaped steel spreaders has a main beam on which stand two secondary beams. That kind of spreader beam is suitable for rectangular loads lifting. In order to ensure a high level of safety, the assembly of the H-shaped spreader beams is guaranteed without any structure welding. 

Adjustable H-shaped spreader beam

The special characteristic of the adjustable H-shaped spreaders is to have variable length beams. This type of versatile spreader benefits lifting both rectangular and square loads. The length of each arm adjustment has a safety notching device. 

X-shape spreader beam

X-shape spreader beams are exclusively intended for lifting cubic or square loads. Our range of standard X-shape spreaders beams covers the most current requirements such as big bag spreaders.

Steel spreader beam options

  • Other finish than RAL 2018

  • Galvanization
  • Metallization

  • Inclinometer

  • ROLLIX X-shape rotating system allowing an automatic adjustment of the cross beam.


Our spreader beams are provided with a CE conformity Certificate.